sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2018

Please, don't shoot. Play this game. By Thomaz Krause

Would it be possible to save thousands of lives from violence and poverty by offering an educational program through a digital game.

Why a game for that? Living in a game with different rules of the real world is perhaps the first thing we aim to achieve when the majority of our public would like to live in a different world.

In Brazil, we have some of the worst development scenarios for young people. Every year almost 30.000 young people are killed in consequence of violence in major cities.

Today, around 40,2% do not go to school, and the main reason for that is not about the money that they don't have to survive and help their families, but a total lack of interest about what the school is trying to teach them (Source: Pnad 2006 - FGV 2009).

Lastly, we have one of the highest unemployment rates among young people in the world, around 30% according to the ILO (International Labor Organization), which is twice the world average.

But at the same time, we are one of the countries with the most connected population in the world. We are 120 million users in Whatsapp, 100 million in Facebook, and other million playing Minecraft and League of Legend, one of the most popular online game.

We have not only the most expensive football player, Neymar Junior, but also the best Counter Strike player, Marcelo "coldzera" David, two-time world champion.
Our young population is connected and participates in mass online games, but would they be prepared to take advantage of this trend with social and educational gains as well?

We believe that a game could be built as a public policy through a social program capable of changing the vicious cycle that leads young people to the road of violence, ignorance, and unemployment to a better future of self-knowledge, a search for wisdom and entrepreneurship. But to approve a public policy in Brazil there are many obstacles to be overcome.

The Brazilian government is an inefficient institution to achieve a social program like this alone. Social programs in Brazil tend to benefit just a minor part of the targeted population, because most of the resources are not directed at the beneficiaries, but rather the costs to the program itself, since the institutions do not use technology to optimize costs and processes thus obtaining a better performance.

A public policy must be for everyone, but not every social program is for everyone. A social program is used to solve a specific problem and does not see people as individuals with different types of problems and needs. An integrated vision is needed that can serve as a personal indicator that points out in which areas of interest the help should be prioritized for each person.

To achieve this goal there must be a multidisciplinary team composed of society, university, business, non-governmental organizations and the government to build this together.

We believe that it is possible to offer a new perspective to young people through a game developed by an ecosystem of actors capable of uniting technology, education and art into an efficient public policy competent to manage resources with the help of innovative tools and able to cause more impact to their beneficiaries.

Welcome to LOW, welcome to the Land of Wisdom - The Game.

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